Professor Lopez | Spring 2021
Design II Project (B) "Artificial Organism" - Goal was to design a bookstore in Venice, Italy that could structurally respond to potential canal flooding, while building off conceptual programs from plant structures. 
The design theme embodies the concentration of pipes, funnel cubicles and structural cross bracing.
Artificial Organism was heavily inspired by the Japanese architectural movement from the 1950s, known as Metabolism.
Materials: Timber Framing with Stucco Cladding and PVC pipping to show flow of water
Final Physical Model: Materials: Basswood, Vellum and printer paper.
Design II Project (A) Linear Directions of Uncertainty - (Preliminary project to Artificial Organism) The concentration centered around finding a circulation with funnels, pipes, structural post and beam, cross-bracing, plants, and direction of water. 
Experimental drawings of the structure making contact with occupant and the color arrangement they generate when shot at different perspectives.
Emphasizing on the symbol of a tree and how the larger organism takes center stage and mandates the additional support for it to continue to blossom. 

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