Professor Maimis | CM402: Construction Management II | Spring 2024
Site Logistics Plan Proposal for a three-story bank at 
74 Varick St. New York 10013
Professor Silvia | ARCH-454: Urban Genealogies | Spring 2024 
Analyzing what's occupying my selected zone of interest in Santa Monica, CA
Professor Dwyre | ARCH 581: Geo-Actors | Fall 2023
What causes erosion and what are methods of preventing it from happening?
Installing Caissons and piles has been a more common approach but what happens when you adopt the local root structures of various plant species to harden the soil. 
How can we use caissons and piles to generate an interactive program along coastlines/cliffs that may provide additionally programmatic uses for the residents of the Dixie County, Florida community and others.
Professor Strong | ARCH 571: Form and Space SP/23 | Fall 2023
Exploration of space structures through geometry and topology leads to new ways of shaping form and space. The studio explores their generation, visualization and construction for potential architectural applications. Spring semester focuses on digital methods and technologies for these explorations.

Professor Sorenson | ARCH 111: Representation 1 | Fall 2020
The primary goal of this course is an introduction to fundamental architectural drawing skills. The course enriches, extends, and supports two-dimensional drawings as a method of development, communication and exploration​​​​​​​.
Professor Hanrahan | ARCH 261: Architectural Materials | Spring 2021
 Reviews assemblage of materials in the context of fundamental building issues. 
Close ups show attention to modeling detail of my selected building: Hawaii Preparatory Academy Energy Laboratory. Selection of images were picked by Professor Hanrahan to be potentially archived by Pratt Institute's school of Architecture. 
Professor Ruano | ARCH112: Representation II | Fall 2021 
Learned how to make realistic perspective renders using the V-Ray plugin for Rhino 7. 
The goal was to digitally recreate Paul Rudolph's Finney Guest House, a vacation home located in Southern Florida. Having only five existing sketches to use from when modeling, site research was conducted to estimate what kind of locally sourced materials would be used in renders. (Click on image to see more)
Closed Loop | Senior Year
A 4min stop-motion film to help raise awareness about waste management and negative ongoing population effects to oceans across the planet. 
My Role:  Lead set designer and prop maker. Used SolidWorks and a Laser Cutter to create set pieces.
(Click on image below to watch the film)
Professor R | MSCI271: Ecology | Spring 2022 
Goal was to design a sustainable system that could improve Pratt Institute's campus. Since New York City has such a wide-ranging seasonal climate. This could impact the security guard stations located around campus. 
The final scooter station with a portable security guard post features a photo-voltaic powered roof with added local Brooklyn vegetation along the sides of each walk-in zone. The guard would also have a/c and portable heaters in their port, while making sure students don't abuse their electric scooter rights.  
Professor Wang | ARCH 131 Technics | Fall 2020 
Cantilevers and trusses are some of the most frequent forms of structural engineering in architecture. The goal was to see who can build the strongest spaghetti glued bridge together while holding a weight before dropping. I won the contest by creating a bridge that spanned (6ft 8in) by only using string, un-cooked spaghetti and hot glue. Click the video to find out more!
LEGO Project: Mongolian Invasion of Japan 1274 
Worked with a team of four. Coordinated zoom meetings on a weekly basis. 
Brick Fair Virginia in 2019 | Chantily, Virginia

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